Canonical’s Ubuntu Day Event Brings Ubuntu Linux to a City Near You

Canonical’s Ubuntu Day Event Brings Ubuntu Linux to a City Near You


The event is called Ubuntu Day, it is organized by Canonical and its partners around the globe, and it aims to promote and advance the adoption of the Ubuntu operating system and its GNU/Linux technologies amongst local markets. It is Canonical’s new way of making people aware of Ubuntu’s capabilities.
Ubuntu Day is a local event and an opportunity for people from all over the globe to meet the world’s best free operating system, as well as to learn about its features, including Ubuntu Cloud products like Juju, Charms and MAAS, as explained by various Ubuntu experts.
“I’ve been busy planning our first ever Ubuntu Day. Ubuntu Day is a local event organised with our partners to support awareness and adoption of Ubuntu technologies in local markets,” said Marcin Kierdelewicz, Global Channel Business Development at Canonical.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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