If You Like Fedora, You’ll Love Korora

If You Like Fedora, You’ll Love Korora


The Korora Linux desktop is a solid computing platform that’s loaded with options to suit a wide range of user needs.
Korora 23 final was released last month. It’s a Fedora-based distribution featuring many user-friendly enhancements as well as a choice of five desktop environments. Fedora is the community version of Red Hat Linux Enterprise.
Unless you are looking for bleeding-edge desktop environments, Korora gives you all the top contenders. You can run Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, MATE and Xfce.
Korora’s use-it-out-of-the-box philosophy is one of the reasons the distro keeps getting better. If you want a better, more user-friendly Linux distro that reaches beyond Fedora’s enterprise appeal, you can’t go wrong with any of Korora’s five desktop versions. It leaves little for users to desire and makes choosing another distro unnecessary to get your preferred interface.

Source: http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/83193.html
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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