Collabora Office 5.0 Is Out and Based on LibreOffice 5.0

Collabora Office 5.0 Is Out and Based on LibreOffice 5.0


Collabora is not all that known by regular Linux users since they mostly do work that involves enterprise settings. It’s important to know that even if they use LibreOffice for Collabora Office, they are also contributing upstream. In fact, Collabora is one of the biggest contributors, if not the biggest, for LibreOffice.
You might wonder why a company or public administration would choose to get Collabora Office instead of the regular LibreOffice, which is free. The answer is simple, and that is support. You can’t just install LibreOffice and move on. Things get broken, installations need to be upgraded, and maybe new features have to be added.
This is not the first version of Collabora Office, and the developers also had a 4.4 branch, which was updated along with the 5.0. You can’t download Collabora Office to see how it looks, but if you’re in an enterprise environment, you could ask for a demo.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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