The Linux Foundation and edX offer free cloud infrastructure MOOC

The Linux Foundation and edX offer free cloud infrastructure MOOC


Understanding cloud technologies tops the list of most important skills for any developer, sysadmin or emerging DevOps professional. If you don’t believe me, just try to hire a cloud expert. Good luck!
This course won’t turn you into an expert, but it will at least get you on your way. It provides a primer on cloud computing and DevOps software. It will cover next-generation cloud technologies like Docker, CoreOS, Kubernetes, and OpenStack. The course will also provide an overview of software-defined storage and networking solutions and a review of DevOps and continuous integration best practices.
The class is not exclusively focused on open-source cloud software. Mark Hinkle, The Linux Foundation’s VP of marketing and a cloud expert in his own right, told me at the Great Wide Open conference, that it covers the fundamentals of cloud computing irregardless of platform.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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