KDE Plasma 5.6 Released

KDE Plasma 5.6 Released


KDE Plasma is the desktop environment that powers Kubuntu, Chakra Linux and openSUSE (among others). This week sees the release of Plasma 5.6, which brings several tweaks and improvements.
KDE is a modern desktop environment, but unlike several desktop environments, it has avoided the trend of “dumbing down” the interface. Although there’s much to be said for a simplified environment, power users value the ability to customize and configure their work environments. KDE provides plenty of opportunities to tweak and streamline the experience.
Of course, the range of choice available in the desktop world means that users are well cared for, whatever their preferences. KDE isn’t the only configurable desktop environment, and some users prefer minimal window managers or text-only interfaces.
Previous versions of Plasma have offered an attractive interface, and the latest release is no exception. This incarnation offers some new polish in the standard themes. Some of these are minor tweaks, such as improving the tooltip animations. Small as they are, they do improve the overall feel.

Source: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/kde-plasma-56-released
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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