Stali distribution smashes assumptions about Linux

Stali distribution smashes assumptions about Linux


The first public version of Stali, a Linux distribution built to be as fast and small as possible, has been released after several years of work. This first release of the entire Stali OS fits into a 34MB ISO.
Stali stands for static Linux, with “static” referring to how all binaries in the distribution are built statically against their libraries. Any routines in the library required by the binary are copied directly into the binary itself, instead of being linked to a shared copy of the library used by multiple programs.
Stali amounts to a kind of proof-of-concept for breaking from long-standing Linux traditions and avoiding current fashions in Linux. The recently announced Redox OS, a Unix-like OS (not a Linux port) written from the ground up in Mozilla’s Rust language, is similarly radical. Like Stali, Redox aims to make the resulting experience more secure and to discard — or at least challenge — some of the assumptions about how a Linux distribution must work.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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