ubuntuBSD, the OS That Brings Ubuntu and FreeBSD Together, Now Has a...

ubuntuBSD, the OS That Brings Ubuntu and FreeBSD Together, Now Has a Homepage


Jon Boden, the creator of the controversial ubuntuBSD project, an open-source and free operating system that brings Ubuntu and FreeBSD together, has unveiled the distribution’s official homepage.
Users have been asking for an ubuntuBSD website for some time now, and it looks like Jon Boden took some time off from the development of the upcoming operating system and put together a website, as announced a few moments ago on Twitter.
So there you have it, ubuntubsd.org is the new homepage of the ubuntuBSD project, which promises to deliver an operating system built using the rock-solid FreeBSD kernel, but offering the familiarity of Ubuntu Linux.
The website is pretty basic, and as noted there, UbuntuBSD is a free, complete, and open-source alternative to Windows and Mac OS X, which contains everything you need to work, play or share. A “Feature Tour” will be provided soon as well.
For now, ubuntuBSD remains under heavy development, with a fifth Beta build out the door last week to fix a hang issue for the Thunar file manager. The final release of ubuntuBSD should be unveiled later this month, but there’s no official date set yet.

Source: http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/ubuntubsd-the-os-that-brings-ubuntu-and-freebsd-together-now-has-a-homepage-503063.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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