Birds Linux 8.0, the Distro for Students, Launches with Kernel 4.5, Tor...

Birds Linux 8.0, the Distro for Students, Launches with Kernel 4.5, Tor Browser


Birds Linux creator Francesco Milesi has informed about the immediate availability of a
major update to his open-source computer operating system, Birds Linux 8.0.
Birds Linux 8.0 has been in development for the past three months, during which the developer has managed to update most of the core components to their latest versions. For example, the distribution is now powered by a kernel from the Linux 4.5 series and includes the LibreOffice 5.1.2 office suite.
It also looks like Birds Linux 8.0 release switches from the Xfce 4.12 desktop environment, which was used in the previous version of the OS, to the GNOME 3 desktop. It thus provided users with the GNOME 3.18.4 packages, along with the latest applications designed for students, including Budgie Calc, Budgie Zero, Wren Matrix, and Hoopoe.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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