Alpine Linux 3.4 Released with Improved Support for the Raspberry Pi Ecosystem

Alpine Linux 3.4 Released with Improved Support for the Raspberry Pi Ecosystem


Alpine Linux 3.4 is the first in the 3.4 stable series, offering users the most advanced GNU/Linux technologies. Among them, we can mention the long-term supported Linux 4.4 kernel (version 4.4.11 is included in the base ISO images), the OpenRC init system, DNS search domain support in the /etc/resolv.conf file.
The new Alpine Linux 3.4 series brings good news for those who want to run the server-oriented operating system in virtual machines, such as VirtualBox, QEMU, or VMware, as they can now download a specially crafted ISO image called alpine-virt, which you can download from the official website of the distribution.
New software technologies included in Alpine Linux 3.4 are the Ruby 2.3 programming language, PostgreSQL 9.5 open-source database, Qt 5.6 GUI toolkit, as well as desktop applications like the LibreOffice 5.1 office suite and Evince 3.20 document viewer. The MATE 1.14 desktop environment is available as well.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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