The Linux Foundation Invites Developers, System Administrators and Newbies to Apply for...

The Linux Foundation Invites Developers, System Administrators and Newbies to Apply for the 2016 LiFT Scholarship Program


The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit advancing professional open source management for mass collaboration, today announced its 2016 Linux Foundation Training (LiFT) Scholarship Program is open for submissions. The program offers 14 scholarships across seven categories to individuals who demonstrate a passion for Linux or open source software and an interest in advancing their skills.
The LiFT Scholarship Program, which is in its sixth year, has awarded 34 scholarships worth more than $100,000 to individuals who may not otherwise have access to these training and certification opportunities. The training provides recipients with the tools they need to advance their career or get started in one of the most lucrative jobs in IT. According to the 2016 Open Source Jobs Report, 65 percent of hiring managers say open source hiring will increase more than any other part of their business over the next six months, and 79 percent of hiring managers have increased incentives to hold on to their current open source professionals.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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