You Can Now Run BackTrack Successor Kali Linux Pentest OS in Your...

You Can Now Run BackTrack Successor Kali Linux Pentest OS in Your Web Browser


Everyone loves hearing about pentesting and ethical hacking distros these days, and it looks like it is even becoming a trend among aspiring security professionals.
Therefore, today we have some good news for those who want to try one of the best penetration testing and security auditing operating systems based on the Linux kernel, Kali Linux, the successor of the popular BackTrack, and don’t have the resources to run the Live CD or install the OS on their computers.
Network security specialist Jerry Gamblin has created a project called KaliBrowser, which, if you haven’t already guessed, it allows you to run the famous Kali Linux operating system on a web browser, using the Kali Linux Docker image, Openbox window manager, and NoVNC HTML5-based VNC client.
On this occasion, we would like to remind our readers that the latest release of the Kali Linux rolling penetration testing distro is now 2016.1, based on Debian GNU/Linux 8 “Jessie,” and that there’s an official Kali Linux Docker image that lets users run the distro on any platform.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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