Docker 1.11.2 Linux Container Engine Improves CentOS and Ubuntu 16.04 Support

Docker 1.11.2 Linux Container Engine Improves CentOS and Ubuntu 16.04 Support


Docker 1.11.2 has been in development for the past one and a half months, during which time it received a single Release Candidate (RC) build that included the same changes available now in the final build.
Among these, we can mention improved networking support by patching an issue that made the “docker inspect,” “docker ps,” and “docker port” commands report the wrong port, as well as fixing a stale endpoint problem for overlay networks, which occurred due to clumsy reboots.
Moreover, it looks like Docker 1.11.2 attempts to fix the support for running 32-bit binaries under the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) operating system, and improves devicemapper support for CentOS Linux series of distributions by patching a “hang” issue with the “docker ps” command.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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