netOS Server 7 Service Pack 1 Released, netOS Core Server Available for...

netOS Server 7 Service Pack 1 Released, netOS Core Server Available for Download


Designed as a continuation of the Black Lab Linux Enterprise Server distribution, netOS 7 Server offers the same extensive feature set, support for the latest and most modern hardware devices, and ships with the easiest of configuration scripts for fast deployments in demanding markets.
Powered by the Linux 3.19.0-61 kernel packages from the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) operating system, netOS Server 7 Service Pack 1 uses the lightweight Xfce 4.12 desktop environment. Moreover, it now includes the Google Chrome web browser as a drop-in replacement for Midori, which was used by default in the previous build but didn’t offer satisfying Flash Player support.
This first Service Pack of netOS Server 7 also comes with a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) server that is easy to set up and deploy, an Apache Tomcat 8 application server, the powerful Webmin 1.800 server administration tool, and, last but not least, the ownCloud 8 self-hosting server. netOS Server 7 SP1 is available now for all supported hardware, including OpenSERVE and miniSERVE.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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