SUSECON 2016: Where Technology Reigns Supreme

SUSECON 2016: Where Technology Reigns Supreme


I love fall—the colors, the refreshing change in the air, the fall vegetable harvest. The best thing about this time of year, however, is SUSECON. It’s happening this year November 7–11 in Washington, DC.
SUSECON has become a flagship conference in the industry for many of the same reasons I love fall: crisp, refreshing content that invigorates your brain and gets you thinking about new possibilities. SUSE customers, partners and general open-source enthusiasts learn about new open-source solutions from both SUSE and upstream projects. Project contributors meet enterprise users who meet commercial technology vendors who provide solutions that help businesses prosper.
One of the great benefits of SUSECON is that after attendees have learned all about open-source technologies, they can prove their knowledge to the world. They can take SUSE certification exams on Linux, Storage, OpenStack Cloud and Linux Management, and the exam fee is included in the price of the conference. Seats in the exam sessions are limited, so attendees should register for them as soon as they can.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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