Clear Linux Now Powered by Kernel 4.8.1, Adds Wayland 1.12, GNOME 3.22...

Clear Linux Now Powered by Kernel 4.8.1, Adds Wayland 1.12, GNOME 3.22 & Vim 8.0


Clear Linux Project’s Eva P. Hutanu informs the community about the latest updated components and new features implemented in the Clear Linux operating system during the past few weeks.
Key updated components added to the Clear Linux distribution include the Linux 4.8.1 kernel, systemd 231 init system, Vim 8.0 and Emacs 25.1 text editors, as well as node.js 6.8 server-side JavaScript environment. Many GNOME components are now based on the latest GNOME 3.22 Stack, and the recently released Wayland 1.12 display server is present.
Apache Maven open-source build manager for Java projects is also now available in Clear Linux, and it looks like key Python libraries, such as SciPy, NumPy, and scikit-learn received a bunch of performance improvements for Intel AVX2 (Advanced Vector Extensions 2) processors.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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