Canonical announces live kernel patching for Ubuntu

Canonical announces live kernel patching for Ubuntu


Canonical has announced that it will provide a live kernel patching services for version 16.04 which was released in April.
Users will be able to use the service for up to three machines without having to pay. Ubuntu 16.04 is a long-term support release and is based on kernel version 4.4.
Live patching is nothing new; both SUSE Linux and Red Hat introduced the technology in 2014. SUSE, with kernel development chief Vojtěch Pavlík leading the way, called its solution kGraft, while Red Hat called its solution kpatch.
Both solutions were announced in February 2014. They were primarily targeted at businesses that want or need continuous uptime. The Ubuntu live patch service is available for more than three machines for a fee.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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