Ubuntu Budgie Is Now an Official Ubuntu Flavor

Ubuntu Budgie Is Now an Official Ubuntu Flavor


After two successful major releases, budgie-remix has finally been accepted as an official Ubuntu flavor, earlier today during a meeting where four members of Canonical’s Ubuntu Technical Board voted positive. There were no negative votes or abstentions. As such, we’re extremely happy to inform our readers that the new Ubuntu flavor is called Ubuntu Budgie.
What is Ubuntu Budgie (formerly budgie-remix)? We’d like to tell you that it’s an Ubuntu-based distribution that uses Budgie as default desktop environment. It offers the same level of quality and package selection as any other official Ubuntu flavor, but designed to be lightweight, user-friendly, simple and customizable, thanks to the Budgie desktop, which relies on the latest GNOME technologies, for now.
In April this year, when budgie-remix hit the road towards its first major release, versioned 16.04, based on the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) operating system, we reported that David Mohammed was kind enough to inform about the fact that he got in touch with Ubuntu MATE leader Martin Wimpress, who urged the developer to target Ubuntu 16.10 for an official status. budgie-remix 16.10 arrived as well this fall, shortly after the release of Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak), and only now it became an Ubuntu flavor for inclusion in Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus).

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-budgie-is-now-an-official-ubuntu-flavor-510062.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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