Parrot Security OS 3.3 Released | New Features And Download

Parrot Security OS 3.3 Released | New Features And Download


Parrot Security OS 3.3 has been released as a minor release with bug fixes and updated packages. Based on Debian GNU/Linux 9 Stretch, this ethical hacking Linux distribution features Linux kernel 4.8. The project has labeled version 3.3 as “just a working snapshot of the bigger work.” In our lists of the most popular and best operating systems for ethical hacking purposes, Parrot Security OS is often listed as the best alternative to the well known Kali Linux. Back in October, we witnessed a big release of this OS, i.e., Parrot Security 3.2 CyberSloop.
This Debian GNU/Linux 9 Stretch-based release fixes many small bugs and introduces new updates. The blog post also mentions the upcoming Parrot 3.4 release that’s supposed to be a bigger release.
Parrot Security OS 3.3 updates the Linux kernel from 4.7 to 4.8. Thus, this OS release comes with better hardware and driver support. It also marks a switch to PHP 7 and GCC 6.2 .
Most of the included tools have been updated to their latest versions, including metasploit-framework 4.13 and anonsurf.
Talking about the fixes, the major parts getting the benefits are touchpad/multitouch support, mismatching kernel installer, and minor MATE bugs.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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