Mint 18.1 review: Forget about Wayland and get comfy with the command...

Mint 18.1 review: Forget about Wayland and get comfy with the command line


I knew it as soon as I crowned Fedora 25 the best distro of 2016—I was going to hear about it from Linux Mint fans.
How could I proclaim the best distro of the year before the latest version of Mint arrived? There’s nothing like some guy on the Internet overlooking your favorite distro to make the hairs in your neckbeard start twitching angrily [/sarcasm]. I understand, it happens to me every time someone fails to recognize that Arch is the best distro of every year.
But I digress. There is a very simple reason I didn’t pick Mint as the best distro of 2016, and I didn’t even have to wait to test it: the reason is Wayland.
For better or worse, the Wayland graphics stack is the future of Linux and will undoubtedly be the big story of 2017 (unless the Mir display server actually ships, in which case it might share the spotlight). What’s more, once you’ve used Wayland in my experience, you’ll want it everywhere. Sadly, only one of the major distros has Wayland today: Fedora.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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