Worried about your online privacy? Download Linux distro Tails 2.10

Worried about your online privacy? Download Linux distro Tails 2.10


If you are fearful that your online privacy could soon be under attack, you are not helpless. With the help of Linux, you can take steps to safeguard yourself. Edward Snowden famously used the Tails operating system to protect himself, and that could be a very good option for honest citizens looking to protect themselves from “Big Brother.” Thankfully, a new version of the Linux distribution, 2.10, is now available for download.
If you are not familiar with Tails, please know that it is a live operating system. This means it is designed to run from a DVD or flash drive rather than being installed to your computer’s main storage drive. In theory — especially with optical media — this means there is no data to be left behind. No, this is not just helpful for people that do illegal activities, but also for people — such as journalists — feeling they are living under an oppressive government. Even if you have nothing to hide, you should value and secure your activity.

Source: https://betanews.com/2017/01/25/linux-tails-online-privacy-download/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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