Updated Fedora 25 ISOs Ship with Linux Kernel 4.9.6, Latest Security Patches

Updated Fedora 25 ISOs Ship with Linux Kernel 4.9.6, Latest Security Patches


In the good tradition of these updated Fedora Live ISOs, which are now built using the new Livemedia Creator utility that’s included by default in all the official images of the GNU/Linux operating system sponsored by Red Hat, the recently released F25-20170202 Live ISOs ship with a new kernel and all the latest security patches.
Linux kernel 4.9.6 powers all these updated Fedora 25 Live ISO images, which are offered with all the officially supported desktop environments, including GNOME (Fedora 25 Workstation), KDE, Xfce, Cinnamon, MATE Compiz, LXDE, as well as SoaS (Sugar on a Stick), for 64-bit (x86_64) architectures.
You’re reading that right, these updated Fedora 25 Linux ISO images will save you approximately 675MB of downloaded packages when installing the operating system on a new computer, as they already include all the latest updates that have been released in the official software repositories until February 2, 2017, when these ISOs were built.
Therefore, if you want to deploy Fedora 25 on a new PC, we recommend downloading the F25-20170202 (link above) ISO image with your favorite desktop environment. They are exactly like the official ISOs, so all you have to do is to write them on a USB flash drive that you’ll have to insert on your computer to boot from and install the OS.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/updated-fedora-25-isos-ship-with-linux-kernel-4-9-6-latest-security-patches-512656.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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