Linux Mint 18.2 to Come with a Revamped Bluetooth Panel, Updated Xplayer...

Linux Mint 18.2 to Come with a Revamped Bluetooth Panel, Updated Xplayer and Xed


In the good tradition of these monthly newsletters, Clement Lefebvre sends his deepest appreciation and thanks to all those who donated money to Linux Mint, and then teases users with the upcoming design of the Bluetooth panel, which will be implemented in the next major release of the OS, namely Linux Mint 18.2.
The updated Bluetooth panel comes with out-of-the-box for OBEX file transfers, a stack switcher in the toolbar, as well as new settings that allow Linux Mint users to change the name of the Bluetooth name of their computer and enable or disable file transfer from remote devices.
Linux Mint’s X-Apps project received some work lately, in particular for the Xed text editor and Xplayer video player applications. For example, Xed now lets users enable or disable the Word wrap feature more easily, directly from the app menu, as well as to select lines of text and sort them using the F10 key or the Sort Lines option in the Edit menu.
Moreover, it’s possible to zoom in and out using keyboard shortcuts, the app menu, or the mouse wheel, regular expressions are now supported in the built-in search function, switch between multiple opened tabs using the mouse wheel, and the ability to select if the user interface is using a dark or light theme.
Those who want to port their Gedit 3.x extensions to Xed should know that Python extensions are now supported. On the other hand, the Xplayer media player received an update to its user interface that places the controls and the seeker bar on the same line, and removes the status bar for a more compact design.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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