Emmabuntus Debian Edition 1.02 Lands Based on Debian GNU/Linux 8.7, Xfce Desktop

Emmabuntus Debian Edition 1.02 Lands Based on Debian GNU/Linux 8.7, Xfce Desktop


Designed to revive those old computers donated to humanitarian organizations, as well as to promote the discovery of GNU/Linux and extend the lifespan of computer hardware, the Emmabuntüs distro received its second maintenance update for the Debian edition, based on Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 “Jessie” and the Xfce 4.12 desktop environment.
Prominent new features introduced in Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 1.02 release include the integration of the Lilo search engine (see the attached screenshot for details), support for the new UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) standard during installations.
It also improves support for the KeePassX password manager utility to no longer send qwerty characters instead of azerty, adds “The beginner’s handbook” that’s been released on December 20, 2016, along with the English version of Emmabuntüs Tutorials, and updates the Emmabuntüs Wiki.
The Baobab (Disk Usage Analyzer), Systemback and Mint Stick utilities have been added, along with a new tool that promises to let users enable and disable the Cairo-Dock dock. On the other hand, Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 1.02 updates the TurboPrint, HPLIP, and Ancestris apps to their latest versions.
Among other changes, we can mention that the RecordmyDesktop screen recorder was replaced with Kazam, Pipelight flash player plugin with Freshplayerplugin, and the Catfish search utility with GNOME Search Tool. The Audacious audio player was updated as well to better support Cairo-Dock.

Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/emmabuntus-debian-edition-1-02-lands-based-on-debian-gnu-linux-8-7-xfce-desktop-514108.shtml
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


  1. Hello, in emmabuntus debian edition 1.02, xfce is like debian stable’s xfce, version 4.10 😉

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