GNOME 3.24 Linux Desktop Environment Released | Here Are The New Features

GNOME 3.24 Linux Desktop Environment Released | Here Are The New Features


The GNOME Project has released the latest stable version of their open source desktop environment. GNOME 3.24, codenamed Portland, is here after 6 months of development and 28459 changes. Some of the biggest features of GNOME 3.24 are Night Light, improved notifications, new Recipes and Games application, two GPU support, etc. In any desktop-focused Linux distribution, a desktop environment plays a major role. Having said that, GNOME is one of the most popular desktop environments and it ships as a default desktop environment in many distributions. GNOME is an acronym for GNU Network Object Model Environment and it’s a little younger than KDE.
The latest release of GNOME, GNOME 3.24, is now available. As expected this release ships with tons of improvements and bug fixes. The GNOME Project calls the 3.24 release another step forward for GNOME. This release is here after spending 6 months in development. It’s the 33rd release of GNOME.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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