Linux video editor OpenShot 2.3 impresses: New tools, fast performance

Linux video editor OpenShot 2.3 impresses: New tools, fast performance


Video editors have historically been a source of difficulty for Linux users. But, my oh my, has that changed in a big way lately.
I’ve personally been using Kdenlive—a video editor produced by the KDE project—with great success over the last year. I had absolutely no reason or need to look elsewhere for my video production needs.
But then along came OpenShot 2.3. And—holy guacamole, Batman—if it isn’t absolutely amazing.
OpenShot is, quite simply, a cross-platform, free software (GPL licensed) video editing package. It’s available for Linux and, according to their download page, for Windows and Mac, as well.
Interestingly, OpenShot is distributed via appimage. That means they provide a single binary that can be run on just about any modern Linux distribution. I personally tested this out on openSUSE Tumbleweed with great success—but it should run just as easily on Debian, Fedora or others. I love this approach to distributing software directly from the developers.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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