TheSSS (The Smallest Server Suite) 22.2 Debuts with Linux 4.9.43, Apache 2.4.27

TheSSS (The Smallest Server Suite) 22.2 Debuts with Linux 4.9.43, Apache 2.4.27


Based on 4MLinux Server 22.2, TheSSS (The Smallest Server Suite) 22.2 is here one month after the 22.1 point release to update various of its core components of the built-in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB and PHP) server, which is now powered by Linux kernel 4.9.43 LTS, Apache 2.4.27, MariaDB 10.2.7, PHP 7.0.22 and 5.6.31, as well as the BIND 9.11.2 DNS server and Stunnel 5.42 SSL tunnel.
Existing users can update their TheSSS systems if they run the “zk update” command in the terminal emulator. The update process is fully automatic, so you won’t have to do anything. But, being a small image, we recommend downloading the TheSSS 22.2 ISO right now from our website and write it on a USB flash drive or CD/DVD disc.
Those unfamiliar with TheSSS (The Smallest Server Suite) will be glad to learn that the project provides them with a live server suite that lets them run a full-featured Linux server without installing any package on their computer, directly from the bootable medium. TheSSS is a lightweight and fast server solution, and it’s free.
Being designed with the system administrator in mind, TheSSS is perfect for webmaster and web designers who need to put together a fast and ready-for-deployment server. Deploying a server was never this easy and TheSSS supports HTTP, HTTPS, MySQL, FTP, SFTP, SSH, DNS, SMTP, and Telnet.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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