ArchLabs Linux “Mínimo” 2017.09 Released

ArchLabs Linux “Mínimo” 2017.09 Released


rchLabs is a comparatively newer and lesser popular Linux distro as compared to other Arch Linux derivatives like Manjaro or Antergos. It came into existence when Crunchbang’s development was ceased and some fans decided to take inspiration from Bunsenlabs, which was itself a community-organized successor to Crunchbang, and create an Arch Linux based distribution named ArchLabs.
ArchLabs, in early September 2017, decided to shift their focus of ArchLabs Mínimo, aka MSE-6, as their main release. It’s a stripped down, Openbox-based version of ArchLabs R2D2. For those who don’t know, MSE-6 are tiny repair droids seen in Star Wars.
Mínimo’s default panel, Polybar, has been tweaked. To control media volume, you can control it by scrolling anywhere. ArchLabs developers have made their point clear that Conky won’t be ever included by default in Mínimo.
Audacious has been brought back as the default music player. For movies and videos, there’s MPV. The web browser has got a new ArchLabs home page, which is called ArchTabs.
As ArchLabs Mínimo 2017.09 is a minimal release, the ISO size is around 950MB, which is a lot less as compared to R2-D2’s 2GB size.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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