Google Play Protect is ‘dead last’ at detecting malware on Android

Google Play Protect is ‘dead last’ at detecting malware on Android


Last month, German software testing laboratory AV-Test threw malware at 20 Android antivirus systems – and now the results aren’t particularly great for Google.
Its Play Protect system, which is supposed block malicious apps from running on your handheld, was beaten by every other anti-malware vendor.
When exposed to recent Android malware samples, six of the 20 software suites sampled correctly flagged every single one as evil and prevented them from running. Eight more managed a 99 per cent or higher hit rate. Google’s own system, Play Protect, only detected 65.8 per cent of threats.
When it came to analyzing AV-Test’s reference set of older malware, the results were equally unimpressive. Some 13 of the 20 packages scored 100 per cent detection rates, with all but Play Protect correctly identifying 93 per cent or higher of samples. Google’s code managed just 79.2 per cent.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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