Go Anonymous With Tails 3.5 Linux Distro: Get Latest Version With Important...

Go Anonymous With Tails 3.5 Linux Distro: Get Latest Version With Important Security Fixes


ust earlier this month, the creators of Tails Linux distribution released their updated version that included the steps taken by Linux kernel devs to mitigate the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities. Within one month, they’re here with a new and updated version with more security fixes.
The development team has strongly urged the users to update their installations as soon as possible. Some of the fixed issues in this release deal with Tor browser, amd64-microcode, Thunderbird, libxml2, gdk-pixbug, and bind9.
Moving on to the new features and changes, Tails 3.5 anonymity distro’s Tor features a redesigned Launcher that’s used to connect to a Tor bridge or a local proxy.
Other changes are updates to Tor Browser 7.5, Linux 4.14.13, Thunderbird 52.5, and new microcode firmware for AMD to deal with Spectre flaw.
As a part of the continued polishing effort to improve the user experience, PDF printing in Tor browser, documentation, applications menu issue, etc., have been fixed.
There are a couple of known issues as well. For example, during the starting of Tails, there’s an alarming message about a kernel bug. However, it doesn’t affect the safety.

Source: https://fossbytes.com/tails-3-5-released-download/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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