Linux Foundation Introduces Network Operating System DANOS

Linux Foundation Introduces Network Operating System DANOS


The Linux Foundation, the industry consortium promoting Linux and collaborative development, announced the unified network operating system DANOS at the Open Networking Summit conference. Based on AT & T’s dNOS software framework, this system is designed to be an open, cost-effective and flexible alternative to traditional network operating systems. Apart from a few unsuccessful attempts to establish a free network operating system, DANOS will become the first free network operating system to have broad support in the industry and achieve carrier-grade quality. This means that it will have extreme stability and reach unplanned downtime at most a few minutes a year. As a project of the Linux Foundation, it will accept contributions from various related open source communities and create a standardized distributed system.
Historically, network operating systems have always been proprietary and very difficult to develop, as they are very complex due to the large demands on software and hardware. Network operating systems run on router systems, of which AT & T alone runs about 100,000. However, the open source technologies available today, with their sometimes very advanced applications, now make it possible to replace the proprietary systems.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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