Linux Releases: elementary OS 5.0 Beta And CentOS 6.10 Are Here

Linux Releases: elementary OS 5.0 Beta And CentOS 6.10 Are Here


After much wait and anticipation, the elementary OS developers have shipped the first beta of their forthcoming “Juno” release. Being called a Developer Preview, it is aimed at the 3rd party developer and other users who are interested in testing the new features.
This release cycle will primarily strive to deliver a better experience by incorporating different design and UX improvements. The designers have worked hard on the icons and modified about 1000 icon files. There has also been a jump from Gtk+ 3.18 to Gtk+ 3.22, resulting in a full rewrite of stylesheet.
elementary OS 5.0 has been updated with a new set of default wallpapers, new sound effects, night light feature, and better installation procedure. There are tons of other under-the-hood changes and bug fixes as well.
Derived from the RHEL sources made freely available by Red Hat, CentOS is known for its ability to serve as a server machine as well as a daily driver.
The latest CentOS 6.10 release comes loaded with many changes as compared to CentOS 6. All the updates since upstream 6.10 release have also been made available on CentOS mirrors.
If you’re habitual of installing all the latest updates on your machine, you’ll notice few changes while upgrading to 6.10.
Apart from the usual system improvements and bug fixes, numerous packages have also been updated.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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