Debian-Based Slax 9.5.0 Released, Now Available on Hardware-Encrypted USB Keys

Debian-Based Slax 9.5.0 Released, Now Available on Hardware-Encrypted USB Keys


Since it’s been rebased on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system, Slax saw two releases, versions 9.3.0 and 9.4.0, which introduced numerous enhancements and new features, including one-click-to-install launchers, support for various Wi-Fi devices, EXT4 and NTFS support, and persistent support enabled by default when booting from USB flash drives.
With the Slax 9.5.0 release, which incorporates all the latest security patches and software updates from the Debian GNU/Linux 9.5 “Stretch” operating system, the developer also announced the availability of a USB flash drive pre-installed with Slax and featuring hardware-based AES encryption, which can be purchased from the official website only with Bitcoin.
According to the developer, the USB device is universally usable thanks to its hardware-based AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption, which is done directly by the drive itself through keys and without any software (see the image below to see it in action). When removed, the USB stick automatically locks itself.
So if you manage to purchase the new encrypted USB key with Slax pre-installed, you’ll be able to use the tiny Linux-based computer operating system like it was designed to be used from the very beginning, back when it was based on Slackware instead of Debian GNU/Linux.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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