Drink this potion, Linux kernel, and tomorrow you’ll wake up with a...

Drink this potion, Linux kernel, and tomorrow you’ll wake up with a WireGuard VPN driver


The developer of WireGuard has laid the groundwork for plugging his open-source privacy tool directly into the Linux kernel in hope of making secure communications easier to deploy and manage.
Jason Donenfeld, creator of WireGuard and the founder of Edge Security, on Tuesday submitted a proposed set of patches to the Linux kernel project to integrate the secure VPN tunnel software as an official network driver. The code is now awaiting review by the kernel maintainers. Initially released and still available as an optional kernel module for Linux, WireGuard is also available for Android, macOS, Windows, and other platforms.
“Even as an out-of-tree module, WireGuard has been integrated into various userspace tools, Linux distributions, mobile phones, and data centers,” said Donenfeld in the notes accompanying his patches. “There are ports in several languages to several operating systems, and even commercial hardware and services sold integrating WireGuard. It is time, therefore, for WireGuard to be properly integrated into Linux.”
WireGuard was developed as an alternative to secure tunneling protocols like IPSec and OpenVPN. Donenfeld has described these older protocols as “overwhelmingly difficult.” WireGuard, at just under 4,000 lines of code, aspires to be simpler and more easily audited.

Source: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/08/02/linux_kernel_wireguard/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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