NetBSD 7.2 Branch Update Release Brings USB 3.0 and Raspberry Pi 3...

NetBSD 7.2 Branch Update Release Brings USB 3.0 and Raspberry Pi 3 Support


The NetBSD Project has released NetBSD 7.2, which is the second feature update of the NetBSD 7 release branch. This release brings a subset of fixes that were deemed important to security or stability reasons, and several new features and overall enhancements.
NetBSD is a free and highly portable Unix-like operating system, and is entirely Open Source. It is available for many platforms such as 64-bit x86 servers, to various embedded ARM and MIPS based devices (SoCs).
The NetBSD-7 branch had its first major release (NetBSD 7.0) in September 2015, so this update to NetBSD 7.2 is an overall maintenance release for the 7 branch – however, new users should most likely use the latest release NetBSD 8.0.
The complete source and binaries for NetBSD 7.2 are available on a ton of different websites, and a list of those sites which provide FTP, AnonCVS, SUP, and various other servicing methods can be found on – if you want to install NetBSD via ISO or USB disk image, you should download NetBSD via torrent application, you can find the NetBSD image torrents in the image section of NetBSD’s website.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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