Watch Boston Dynamic’s Humanoid Robot Do Parkour Like A Pro

Watch Boston Dynamic’s Humanoid Robot Do Parkour Like A Pro


couple of years ago when Boston Dynamics unveiled a new generation of Atlas robot, it was capable of strolling in the woods, balancing on one leg and do a backflip.
The last time we saw the humanoid robot, it had managed to perfect its running skills, and it managed to hop over logs even though it was a clumsy one.
But Boston Dynamics isn’t just stopping yet — it appears they have a new “parkour” trick up their sleeve!
In a recently released short video by the company, we could see the bipedal humanoid robot Atlas jumping over boxes and making it to the top easily. This is something that would have many of us humans huffing and puffing for air.
But the improvements made by Boston Dynamics this time is truly incredible. The robot mimics human movements accurately to balance its body and parkour to make its way over the boxes.
Atlas has been given sufficient processing power to maneuver its limbs and torso to balance its body by shifting its weight between the feet and take a 40cm-high step. It also has the state of art computer vision which helps in locating objects and monitor its movements.
In case you think Atlas is scary, check out the robot maker’s robotic dog named Spot. It can walk itself and open doors too. Spot also manages to mimic quadruped movements accurately and brings back pictures from “Black Mirror” in mind.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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