Mark Shuttleworth reveals Ubuntu 18.04 will get a 10-year support lifespan

Mark Shuttleworth reveals Ubuntu 18.04 will get a 10-year support lifespan


At OpenStack Summit in Berlin, Canonical and Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth said in a keynote that Ubuntu 18.04 Long Term Support (LTS) support lifespan would be extended from five years to 10 years.
Ubuntu 18.04 released in April 2018. While the Ubuntu desktop gets most of the ink, most of Canonical’s dollars comes from server and cloud customers. It’s for these corporate users Canonical first extended Ubuntu 12.04 security support, then Ubuntu 14.04’s support, and now, preemptively, Ubuntu 18.04. In an interview after the keynote, Shuttleworth said Ubuntu 16.04, which is scheduled to reach its end of life in April 2021, will also be given a longer support life span.
When it comes to OpenStack, Shuttleworth promised again to support versions of OpenStack dating back to 2014’s IceHouse. Shuttleworth said, “What matters isn’t day two, what matters is day 1,500.”
He also doubled-down on Canonical’s promise to easily enable OpenStack customers to migrate from one version of OpenStack to another. Generally speaking, upgrading from one version of OpenStack is like a root canal: Long and painful but necessary.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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