Nutty: GUI Network Monitoring And Information Tool For Ubuntu, Linux Mint And...

Nutty: GUI Network Monitoring And Information Tool For Ubuntu, Linux Mint And elementary OS


Nutty is a graphical network information and monitoring tool. The application can display network card information, network and data usage, test upload and download speed, provide information on active ports, and more.
While Nutty is made for elementary OS, it also works on Ubuntu or Linux Mint (packages also exist for openSUSE and Arch Linux). The information it displays comes from various tools / packages like net-tools, nmap, traceroute, vnstat, nethogs, wireless-tools, iproute2, and pciutils.
The application has some hardcoded commands for Ubuntu-based Linux distributions and as a result, some of its features may not work on other Linux distributions. However, there’s work to externalize all commands from the code in order to make it easier to work with other Linux distributions.
I should also mention that on the application website, you’ll find instructions for installing Nutty from Flathub. But this doesn’t work as the Flatpak package was removed from Flathub, due to the application using cron for its background device monitoring feature, which doesn’t work with Nutty running inside a Flatpak container.
If you’re using elementary OS, you’ll find Nutty on AppCenter.
To install Nutty in Ubuntu 18.04 or Linux Mint 19 / 19.1, you can use its stable PPA.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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