Debian-Based Netrunner 19.01 “Blackbird” Officially Released with New Dark Look

Debian-Based Netrunner 19.01 “Blackbird” Officially Released with New Dark Look


Dubbed Blackbird, Netrunner 19.01 comes ten months after the Netrunner 18.03 “Idolon” release with a fresh, dark new look and feel with a more 3D-looking design, which was created using the Kvantum theme engine and the Alpha-Black Plasma theme. The new theme comes with some bling too as there’s now a light glow for the “Minimize all Windows to show Desktop” function.

In addition to the new dark look and feel, the Netrunner 19.01 “Blackbird” release adds support for Web Apps, which are links to websites that can be easily added as launchers from the applications menu, the Plasma-Integration addon to the Mozilla Firefox web browser, which enables media controls and visual feedback  for downloads, as well as Plasma integration for GTK+ apps.

Updated components present in the Netrunner 19.01 “Blackbird” release include the KDE Plasma 5.14.3 desktop environment, accompanied by the KDE Frameworks 5.51 and KDE Applications 18.08 software suites, Qt 5.11.3, Mozilla Firefox 64.0 web browser, Mozilla Thunderbird 60.3 email and news client, as well as the Krita 4.1.1 digital painting software.


Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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