antiX MX 18.1 Distro Released with Latest Debian GNU/Linux 9.7 “Stretch” Updates

antiX MX 18.1 Distro Released with Latest Debian GNU/Linux 9.7 “Stretch” Updates


Based on Debian GNU/Linux 9.7 “Stretch,” antiX MX 18.1 updates the mx-installer, which is based on gazelle-installer, to address bug that lead to crashes during installation of the GRUB bootloader, adds support in mx-repo-manager to lists even more repository mirrors, and improves MX-PackageInstaller and MX-Conky.
Another important area improved in antiX MX 18.1 is the antiX live-USB image, which now features persistence up to 20GB of disk space, as well as much better UEFI boot capabilities, especially when running it on 64-bit UEFI systems. The devs consider creating a “full-featured” antiX live-USB for 32-bit UEFI systems as well.
As expected, antiX MX 18.1 comes with up-to-date components from the Debian GNU/Linux 9.7 “Stretch” repositories, including the Mozilla Firefox 65.0 web browser and VLC 3.0.6 media player. Also improved is the antiX MX manual, which now contains revised sections and screenshots, and the translations for many mx-apps.
antiX MX 18.1 is available for download as 64-bit and 32-bit live ISO images from our free software portal. However, they are intended for new installations only as existing users do not need to download and reinstall to keep their systems up-to-date. All bug fixes and additions can be installed through the distro’s repositories.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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