Puppy Linux 8.0 released

Puppy Linux 8.0 released


The Puppy Linux family was founded in 2003 by the Australian developer Barry Kauler and is now a joint project. Puppy himself follows a loose release cycle that brings a new image to the small lightweight distribution every few years. Puppy is only about 350 MB in size and loads completely into RAM. In addition to the Puppy publications, there are the so-called Puplets, which circulate in large numbers as a remaster from the community. In addition there are the Forks called Offshots like Fatdog64, DebianDog or Slacko Puppy.
Barry Kauler stepped out of active puppy development in 2014 and has since devoted himself to developing more experimental distributions such as Quirky or EasyOS. The Puppy community has released Puppy Linux 8.0, codenamed “BionicPup”, after last year’s Puppy Linux 7.5 XenialPup.
The new version is based, as the code name already suggests, on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and was built with the in-house build system Woof-CE. Woof allows you to compile your own pups from the binary packages of other distributions and currently supports Debian, Ubuntu and Slackware.
Puppy 8.0 comes with updated packages including Palemoon, Deadbeef, Gnumeric, Abiword, MPV, Samba, Geany and Simple Screen Recorder. Distribution-specific packages such as the QuickPet or Pburn package manager for recording CDs and DVDs have also been reworked. The in-house version of the file manager Rox Filer now masters Copy & Paste. As Compositor Compton was raised to the standard. Claw’s mail received a tray icon. HomeBank was also included as well as the minimal chess engine Sunfish and Redshift GUI. Puppy Linux 8.0 “BionicPup” can be downloaded from the project website in 32 or 64 bit.

Source: https://www.pro-linux.de/news/1/26905/puppy-linux-80-ver%C3%83%C2%B6ffentlicht.html
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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