Parrot 4.6 Linux Distro For Ethical Hacking Released With New KDE Desktop...

Parrot 4.6 Linux Distro For Ethical Hacking Released With New KDE Desktop Option


When we talk about Kali Linux alternatives, options like Parrot Linux and BlackArch often turn out to be the top contenders. There are Windows-based options like Commando VM as well, but Linux-based ethical hacking distros are the go-to options for the security researchers.
The Parrot Linux team recently announced the release of the latest Parrot Linux 4.6. It’s a result of three months of a rigorous development cycle. It’s a big milestone for the team as well as they’ve now shifted everything to their own infrastructure and this is the first release utilizing the same.
The Debian “Testing” branch-based Parrot has added a new ISO image that’s based on the KDE Plasma desktop. This new flavor is available both in Security and Home editions. Prior to this change, Parrot shipped with the default MATE desktop.
On the design front, new boot-splash animation and desktop background have been added. While the icons and theme remain the same, the desktop-base and wallpapers have been updated to match the new appearance.
Another major change comes in the form of APT’s enforcement of HTTPS. Now Parrot 4.6 is configured to redirect to HTTPS mirrors when possible. If HTTPS mirrors aren’t available, the signatures are still verified.
Moving on to better hardware support, Parrot 4.6 ships with Linux 4.19 Kernel. While it might not be the latest 5.0, 4.19 is a long term support kernel. The Nvidia drivers are also updated to the new 410 version to ensure better performance.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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