Mageia 7 Linux distribution reaches release candidate (RC) status

Mageia 7 Linux distribution reaches release candidate (RC) status


We recently learned that most Windows 10 users aren’t even keeping the operating system up to date, choosing to forgo the often buggy feature releases. Yes, the majority of Windows 10 users are ruining a version that is over a year old! That is shocking stuff folks, and it truly speaks volumes about the negative public perception of Microsoft’s operating system. When you factor in the people still on Windows 7 (and Vista and XP), things aren’t looking too good for Windows.
Thankfully, Linux is picking up the slack, offering an alternative to the much-maligned Windows 10. Amongst Ubuntu, Fedora, Chrome OS, and other distributions, computer users have no shortage of great operating systems these days. One very good, albeit less popular, Linux-based operating system is Mageia. It has a very strong community of knowledgeable users, making it a good choice for both Linux expert and beginners. Today, Mageia 7, the upcoming version of the OS, reaches a major milestone — release candidate status.
Stewart shares the significant updated packages below.
kernel 5.1.5
rpm 4.14.2
dnf 4.2.6
Mesa 19.1
Plasma 5.15.4
GNOME 3.32
Xfce 4.12
Firefox 67
Chromium 73
LibreOffice 6.2.3

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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