Unity 3D: Editor for Linux officially announced

Unity 3D: Editor for Linux officially announced


Already since 2015, there is the Unity Editor in a version for Linux. However, this was never officially supported and was considered experimental. With the release of Unity 2019.1 on April 16, the announcement in the blog casually mentioned an official pre-release version of the editor for Linux. A few days ago, the announcement of the Linux version appeared in the developer’s blog.
It is still a preview version, which is offered for download via Unity Hub. The setup application downloaded there comes as AppImage on the hard disk. With full support, the developers expect the release of Unity 2019.3 in late fall. Until then, the experience of the users should be collected in the forum for the Linux version of the editor.
The pre-release requires Unity 2019.1 and is available for free and paid licenses for the Ubuntu LTS editions 16.04 and 18.04 and for CentOS 7 for the x86-64 architecture. Developer support will be focussed on Gnome on X11 applications, Nvidia cards with proprietary drivers, and AMD GPUs with desktop mesa drivers without virtualization.
The increasing use of the experimental Linux version by developers and the continued adoption of Unity 3d in non-gaming environments such as the film, automotive, transportation, and manufacturing industries prompted the company to launch the Linux version of the Unity Editor officially support. Unity 2018.4 LTS will also be available for release in the coming weeks but does not support the preview version of the editor for Linux.

Source: https://www.pro-linux.de/news/1/27120/unity-3d-editor-f%C3%BCr-linux-offiziell-angek%C3%BCndigt.html
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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