SparkyLinux 2019.09 with Xfce 4.14 available

SparkyLinux 2019.09 with Xfce 4.14 available


SparkyLinux 2019.09 is the first distribution released with the recently released Xfce 4.14 as the default desktop. In addition, a variant with LXQt 0.14.1 and the two images “MinimalGUI” and “MinimalCLI” with Openbox 3.6.1 are also available. As special editions, the team also offers the editions »GameOver«, »Multimedia« and »Rescue«, the latter being the only variant available in 32 and 64 bit. Common to all images is kernel 5.2.9. Kernels 5.2.11 and 5.3-rc6 are already ready for installation in the repositories. As compiler installed SparkyLinux 2019.09 GCC 9 as standard, the predecessor GCC 8 has been removed. Linux Mint included Timeshift, an application for creating system images.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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