A Linux Bug Can Be Exploited To Hack Systems Using Wi-Fi Signals

A Linux Bug Can Be Exploited To Hack Systems Using Wi-Fi Signals


An unpatched bug in Linux systems could be exploited to crash the entire operating system, even worse, gain control of the system via nearby devices using Wi-Fi signals. The flaw stems from the RTLWIFI driver that supports Realtek Wi-Fi chips in Linux systems. The driver flaw can be activated as soon as the affected device is brought under the radio range of a malicious device. As long as the Wi-Fi is toggled on the victim’s device, a perpetrator, on his malicious device, can hack the Linux system by using the Notice of Absence in Wi-Fi Direct — a power-saving feature built-in the WiFi technique. According to Nico Waisman, the security engineer at GitHub said that the bug is extremely serious. The flaw is part of the version 3.10.1 of the Linux kernel that was released in 2013.

Source: https://fossbytes.com/linux-bug-exploited-hack-system-wifi/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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