

Canonical Outs Major Linux Kernel Security Updates for All Supported Ubuntu OSes

Affecting the Linux 5.0, 4.15, and 4.4 kernels of Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo), Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver), and Ubuntu ...

SparkyLinux 2019.09 with Xfce 4.14 available

SparkyLinux 2019.09 is the first distribution released with the recently released Xfce 4.14 as the default desktop. In addition, a ...

Kali Linux Ethical Hacking OS Switches to Linux 5.2, Now Supports OnePlus 7

Kali Linux 2019.03 kicks off important changes to the default toolset, which will be split in three main categories, kali-linux-default ...

Open source Kodi 18.4 ‘Leia’ now available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and more

Officially, Kodi is not for piracy, but the reality is... it sort of is. Look, not everyone uses the software ...

Linux Lite 4.6 Officially Released, It’s Based on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS

After several months of work, the final version of the Linux Lite 4.6 operating system is here, coming five months ...

ExTiX 19.8 “The Ultimate Linux System” Ditches Ubuntu & Debian for Deepin Linux

As its name suggests, ExTiX Deepin 19.8 is based on the Deepin Linux operating system, which in turn is built ...

BlackArch Linux Ethical Hacking OS Adds over 150 New Tools in Latest Release

Powered by the Linux 5.2.9 kernel, the BlackArch 2019.09.01 ISO snapshot for September 2019 is now available featuring more than ...

Drauger OS Makes a Capable Linux Game Console Platform

Drauger OS is a relatively new Linux distro for users with a penchant for games. Several design elements make this ...

Microsoft wants to bring exFAT to the Linux kernel

ExFAT, the Extended File Allocation Table, is Microsoft’s file system for flash drives and SD cards, which launched in 2006 ...

GNOME Wants to Make Linux Firmware Updates Easier to Deploy with New Tool

At the moment, the GNOME Software Center only displays devices when firmware updates are pending, but Richard Hughes and Andrew ...

Debian and Ubuntu plan to remove Python 2

Python 3 was introduced back in 2008, and the transition period for distributions to maintain two incompatible Python versions has ...

NPM: Standard 14 shows advertising

The Node Package Manager (NPM) is a management tool for the JavaScript runtime Node.js. The software is responsible for installing ...