Introducing Phoenix OS, an Alternative to Remix OS and Android-x86 Made in...

Introducing Phoenix OS, an Alternative to Remix OS and Android-x86 Made in China


We believe that at this point you already know what Remix OS is, but if not, we will kindly inform you now that it is an Android operating system made to run on any 32-bit or 64-bit PC, powered by GNU/Linux technologies and based on the famous Android-x86 project.
Just like Remix OS, the new Phoenix OS comes in two flavors, one for Android devices and the other one for x86 PCs. Today, we had the opportunity to take Phoenix OS for a spin on our hardware and we would like to share with you our impressions of the entire project.
But first, a little background on the Phoenix OS project. It is an Android-based operating system that runs on devices with Intel and other x86-based processors, includes key productivity features from Microsoft Windows, such as a Start Menu, multi-window support, and a Taskbar.
Phoenix OS is designed to be user-friendly, flexible and powerful while being as lightweight as possible on your computer. It’s designed for large screens, offers support for mouse and keyboard devices, and it’s made in China by a group of programmers with years of experience on Windows.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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