KDE Neon offers the latest and greatest KDE software on a stable...

KDE Neon offers the latest and greatest KDE software on a stable Ubuntu base


KDE Neon is a product of the upstream KDE community, an international body that works to advance the development and availability of free software for both Unix-like and Windows systems. One such piece of KDE software is the Plasma Desktop, a popular and customizable desktop environment used with many Linux distributions. KDE Neon will provide packages of the latest Plasma Desktop as well as other KDE apps for long-term-service versions of Ubuntu: currently Ubuntu 15.10, but also Ubuntu 16.04 when it’s released in a few months.

Source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3029069/linux/kde-neon-offers-the-latest-and-greatest-kde-software-on-a-stable-ubuntu-base.html
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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