Is Docker ditching Ubuntu Linux? Confusion reigns

Is Docker ditching Ubuntu Linux? Confusion reigns


Docker has long relied on Ubuntu Linux as the default host environment for Docker apps, but comments from the company’s CTO recently suggest that might not be the case much longer.
“We have hired Natanael Copa, the awesome creator of Alpine Linux, and are in the process of switching the Docker official image library from Ubuntu to Alpine,” a user named shykes wrote in a Hacker News thread 10 days ago.
Docker confirmed Tuesday that shykes is Solomon Hykes, Docker’s founder and CTO. But it also seemed to back away from his remark.
“Discussions on Hacker News are often effectively real-time, casual conversation,” Docker spokeswoman Suzanne Panoplos said via email. “As such, words and terms used there are occasionally inexact.”

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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