Google fixes Android bugs, including lingering Mediaserver flaw

Google fixes Android bugs, including lingering Mediaserver flaw


Google addressed 19 security vulnerabilities, seven of them rated critical, in its latest Android security update.
The updates addressed critical security vulnerabilities in the keyring component, MediaTek Wi-Fi Driver, Conscrypt, the libvpx library, Mediaserver component, and the Qualcomm Performance component. The most severe vulnerability is the remote code execution flaw in Mediaserver that could be exploited through multiple methods, including email, Web browsing, and MMS, when processing maliciously crafted media files.
Since phone makers and carriers control when the updates are actually pushed to Android devices, for most users, the best ways to stay up-to-date with the security fixes are to buy Nexus devices, upgrade to newer devices frequently, or install custom Android versions themselves.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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